Dr Nicole's garden
Urtica dioicaHabitat: Cold perennial. Stinging nettle occurs in moist sites, on mountain slopes, in woodland clearings, and in disturbed areas. Generally grows on deep, rich soils. It loves manure piles. Occurs from sea level to subalpine elevations. Persists in northern climates, spreads and reproduces vegetatively by rhizomes. Seedlings initiate vegetative spread in the first growing season. Plants growing in the shade produce approximately 500 to 5,000 seeds per shoot and plants growing in full sunlight produce 10,000 to 20,000 seeds per shoot. 1
Parts Used: All parts. Young leaves and tops, seeds and roots.
Harvest-Bloom Early spring and summer leaves from plants under a foot tall, after going to blossom and seed formic acid content can be irritating to digestion. roots in spring and fall, Drier seeds are more restorative while fresher are more stimulating. Cut whole stems and allow to dry before finishing in dehydrator to allow abundant insect escape.2
Actions for Nettle
Adaptogen, Alterative/Blood Purifier, Analgesic/ Anodyne, Anodyne, Anti-Asthmatic, Anti-Lithics/ Lithotryptics, Anti-Rheumatic, Anti-diabetic, Anti-helminthic/Parasiticides, Anti-hemorrhagic, Anti-histamine, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial/Anti-Septic, Anti-scorbutic, Astringent, Cleansing, Detoxifying/depurative, Digestive, Digestive Aid, Diuretic, Expectorant, Exthanematous, Female Tonic, Galactagogues, Hemostatics, Hypnotics, Laxative, Nerve Tonic, Nutritive, Pectoral, Restorative/Rejuvenative, Styptic, Tonic, Trophorestorative, VermifugeBody Systems for Nettle
Cardiovascular/Circulatory System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Excretory System, Genitourinary System, Immune System, Integumentary System (skin), Lymphatic System, Musculoskeletal System, Nervous System, Reproductive System, Respiratory SystemGeneral Information for Nettle
Adaptogen,3 4 5Alterative/Blood Purifier,6Analgesic,7 8 9Anodyne,10 11 12Anti-Asthmatic,13Anti-Diabetic,14Anti-Lithic,15Anti-Helminthic/Parasiticide (seed),16Anti-hemorrhagic,17Anti-histamine,18 19Anti-Inflammatory,20 21 22 23Anti-Microbial,24Anti-Rheumatic,25 26 27Anti-Septic (seed),28Anti-Scorbutic,29Anti-Spasmodic,30Astringent,31Cleansing,32Detoxifyig/Depurative,33Digestive,34 35 36Diuretic,37 38Exanthematous,39 40Expectorant,41Female Tonic,42Fertility enhancer,43 44Galactogogue,45 46Hemostatic,47Hypnotic (seed),48Laxative,49Lithotryptic,50Nerve Tonic,51Nutritive,52 53 54 55Pectoral,56Restorative/rejuvenative,57 58 59Styptic,60Tonic,61 62 63Trophorestorative,64 65 66Vermifuge(seed)67
Nettle leaf is incredibly nutritious. A staple in my infusion protocols. Can be cooked like spinach. Use in soups and great in spanakopita! Loaded with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and iron. Rosemary Gladstar says it is one of the highest sources of digestible iron in plant form, improves oxygen uptake and anemia as such. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74. Highest chlorophyll of any herb, and contains those vitamins and minerals known to be needed for health and growth with a particular abundance of Vitamins A,C,D and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and sulphur in a readily assimilated form.75 76.
In addition to being strongly nourishing, in pregnancy it is also a uterine tonic with a special ability to feed the adrenals and kidneys, An excellent food for the hormonal system thereby enhancing fertility.77Ensures healthy amounts of vitamin K for birth lowering likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage.78 79. Also a galagtogugue, helps with breast milk production.80 81. A safe choice for increasing milk supply for nursing during subsequent pregnancies.82. Can help to: ease leg cramps, strengthen kidneys, prevent urinary tract infections, prevent high blood pressure, improve elasticity helping with hemorrhoids and varicose veins, and helps diminish backache and pain before and after birth.83
High in fiber, good for gut problems as well. Helps joints, great for hay fever and allergies. 84 85 86 Freeze dried and encapsulated leaf can be even more effective for allergies.87
German commission E has approved nettle leaf for use with rheumatism, urinary tract infection, and for prevention and treatment for small kidney stones88 89 90
Greens must be strongly blended, dried or cooked. Harvest leaves from younger plants less than a foot tall or from top growth or re-rowth. Harvest with gloves. The sting is not dangerous. Itchy red rash will generally subside in about 30 minutes. The sting can be great for circulation and joint relief and is often inflicted on purpose.91 92
The seeds are excellent for chronic exhaustion, adrenal fatigue and burnout, nettle seeds have also been used as a trophorestorative to aid kidney function in both people and animals with degenerative conditions.93. A study published in the Journal of The American Herbalist Guild showed that Nettle Seed increases kidney glomerular function and reduces serum creatinine levels. Many herbalists have seen significant benefits from using Nettle Seed tincture in patients with glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis with degeneration, and to protect the kidneys from nephrotoxic medications. Can be drying/diuretic so use with mucilaginous herbs in winter and in dry climates or constitutions. 94 95 96 Drier seeds are more restorative while fresher are more stimulating. Cut whole stems and allow to dry before finishing in dehydrator to allow abundant insect escape.97 For sensitive folks a pinch of seed is plenty and for more robust folks up to a teaspoon. Can be added to oats/porridge, soups or smoothies.98 99. Historically, some herbalists have said that nettle seeds nourish the thyroid, assisting with excess weight and goiter. 13 seeds a day are a ritual dose.100
Root is good for the prostate101, is a tonic, diuretic, astringent, anti-diarrheal, immune system and lymphatic strengthener and hair and scalp tonic.102
Nettle fiber has been used historically to make paper and strong thread and yarn for cloth and cordage. Creates shades of green and yellow dye. Soil enhancer, farmyard fodder and food supplement. Infusion also make a great hair wash and houseplants love it.103
“No contraindications, side effects, drug interactions, or pregnancy related safety issues have been identified. Generally considered safe when used appropriately. ” 104 Can be a strong galactagogue, use with awareness with breast milk oversupply/engorgement. 105
Greens must be strongly blended, dried or cooked. Harvest leaves from younger plants less than a foot tall or from top growth or re-rowth. Small chance of nausea, burning sensation in digestive system or hives. Older leaves have higher formic acid and calcium carbonate content which can be irritating to digestion and kidneys. Be aware of potential higher nitrate content or bacterial contamination in plants harvested off of compost and manure heaps. Probably best not to give to babies. Harvest with gloves. The sting is not dangerous. Itchy red rash will generally subside in about 30 minutes. The sting can be great for circulation and joint relief and are often inflicted on purpose.106 107
Even dried nettle can still sting. Use awareness when pouring or agitating dried nettle. Plant dust can give he face a good strong tingle.
Check with Dr or pharmacist if you are on blood thinning drugs. Nettle can contain high amounts of vitamin K which can be contraindicated with some medications.
- https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/urtdio/all.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986. p.171
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. P.11, 177
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- https://theherbalacademy.com/a-family-herb-stinging-nettle-leaf-uses/l
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- deBairacli Levy, Juliette. Nature’s Children. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1997. p.107
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. P.321
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. Herbal for the Childbearing Year.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.20
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. Herbal for the Childbearing Year.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.2
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. P.11, 303
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- deBairacli Levy, Juliette. Nature’s Children. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1997. p.82
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- https://theherbalacademy.com/a-family-herb-stinging-nettle-leaf-uses/l
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. P.180
- deBairacli Levy, Juliette. Nature’s Children. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1997. p.82
- Weed,Susun. Herbal for the Childbearing Year. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986. p.2
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. Herbal for the Childbearing Year. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.20
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. Herbal for the Childbearing Year. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.2
- Weed,Susun. Herbal for the Childbearing Year. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986. p.20
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. P.11, 303
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. P.11, 237
- Weed,Susun. Herbal for the Childbearing Year. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. P.20, 31, 44, 46
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- https://theherbalacademy.com/a-family-herb-stinging-nettle-leaf-uses/l
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. P.11, 303
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. P.321
- deBairacli Levy, Juliette. Nature’s Children. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1997. p.107
- Weed,Susun. Herbal for the Childbearing Year.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.20
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.p.167
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- https://theherbalacademy.com/a-family-herb-stinging-nettle-leaf-uses/l
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.171
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.167
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p.303
- Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. P.11, 303
- https://www.henriettes-herb.com/blog/hotw-nettles.html
- Weed,Susun. HealingWise. 1989.. AshTree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1986.. p.167