
Althea officinalis
Habitat: Marshmallow is a perennial plant suitable for USDA Zones 3-7. Succeeds in almost any soil and situation, though it prefers a rich moist soil in a sunny position. It also tolerates fairly dry soil conditions1.
Parts Used:

Actions for Marshmallow

Demulcent, Digestive, Digestive Aid

Body Systems for Marshmallow

Digestive System, Excretory System

Products for Marshmallow

Full Wolf Moon Eclipse Tea Blend

General Information for Marshmallow

Demulcent2, Digestive3, Digestive Aid4



  2. Gladstar, Rosemary.  Lesson Eight-The Science and Art of Herbology.  Sage Mountain, VT p.36
  3. Gladstar, Rosemary.  Lesson Eight-The Science and Art of Herbology.  Sage Mountain, VT p.36
  4. Gladstar, Rosemary.  Lesson Eight-The Science and Art of Herbology.  Sage Mountain, VT p.36