
1) To first, do no harm

2) To practice and teach re-connection to the sacred nature of healing and living, in the “language” of each person and according to their own belief system.

3) To focus my energies on healing the Individual, the Family, the Community, the Society and ultimately the Planet

4) To channel healing and living out of the strictures of commerce and into the expansiveness of spirit, where all things are possible

5) To continue holding a multi-faceted vision for creating reproducible, sustainable, and empowerment based natural healing models for communities and lands, while promoting the existing tradition, heritage, art, industry and natural resources of Cape Ann with a responsible destination eco-tourism teaching model

6)  To conscientiously navigate the local, state, federal and international legal, regulatory and societal  structures that are currently placing undue hardship on those wishing to responsibly practice natural living, natural healing and informed consent to medical treatments as basic human and civil rights and as a personal religious freedom.

7) To help myself and others move out of fear and into empowerment

8) To teach the current importance of carrying tradition, becoming involved in your food system, divesting from fossil fuel and plastics, protecting all water, and other important ways in which healing is deeply tied to the planet.