
Avena sativa
Habitat: Moderate temperatures of hardy zone 2-type. Requires sun. Dry wastelands, cultivated ground, and meadows.Can be grown in heavier soils, prefers sandy or loamy soils. Requires good drainage, drought tolerant, can grow in a high acid soil. 1
Parts Used: Grain, straw, milky tops, seed2
Harvest-Bloom May-October 3

General Information for Oats/Oatstraw

Anodyne45Anti-depressant/thymoleptic678, Anti-Pruritic (anti-itch)9101112Antispasmodic1314Anxiolytic/tranquilizer15161718Cardiotonic 1920, Carminative21Demulcent22, Digestive23, Digestive Aid24Diaphoretic25Diuretic26Emollient27282930, Febrifuge31Galactogogue3233, Hormone Regulator343536,Nerve Tonic373839404142Nervine434445464748Nervine Demulcent49505152, Nutrative53545556Sexual Tonic575859.

Added to formulas as a smooth flavored, calming and deeply nutritive base60. Gentle but deep nervous system tonic, helpful for restoring nervous system integrity and resilience.  Strongly indicated for chronic stress, anxiety and tension.  Good for acute instances as well as long term health and wholeness61My preferred method of ingestion is 45 minute decoction (simmer) of loose oatstraw and milky tops.  Up to one cup per quart of water.  Nutrient and mineral dense. Though infusion is an effective nutrient dense tonic, it is most effective when boiled for 45 minutes 62.  Tincture is rarely used as nutritive components are not extracted in alcohol.  Could be used as a glycerite or vinegar.  Oats and oatcakes too!

Supplies the highest concentration of iron63, phosphorus64zinc and manganese of all grains65.  Source of Vitamin A and E6667, Choline 68, Calcium6970, Magnesium71, Potassium7273, Silica74 and B and C vitamins7576 and protein77. Adding a pinch of horsetail can significantly increase mineral absorption7879.  Promotes good sleep80. Improves sports performance and stamina81. Good for stress and hyperactivity in children 82.  General sexual tonic for strengthening libido and endurance83 84. Good for difficult urination from “shy badder” caused by stress or anxiety85. Helps reset nervous and endocrine systems after sexual or physical trauma86. Promotes orgasm87 and lubrication 88.  Helps normalize hormones8990. Supports hypothyroid treatments91. Include in weekly infusions for PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)92. Helps with bone loss and hormonal symptoms after ovarian removal surgeries93. Oatstraw also used in blends for urinary incontinence94 and vaginal dryness95. Helps with hormonal hair loss 96.  Strengthens bones, teeth, hair, nails and skin 9798. Improves testosterone production and blood flow in erectile dysfunction99. Safely aids development and descent of healthy testicles in boys100.  Improves fertility101 and sperm motility102

Helps stabilize blood sugar (both high and low) and lowers cholesterol, while supporting heart muscle and circulatory vessels by re-elasticizing and easing spasms and palpitations103. Strengthens capillaries, useful for varicose veins and hemorrhoids in general and during pregnancy104105.  Safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.  Improves supply and quantity of breastmilk106107. Used for physical and nervous weakness, depression and anxiety108. Good for nervousness induced bedwetting, colic, allergies and ADHD in children109 Has been used in drug and alcohol addiction in combination with scullcap and valerian to reduce withdrawal symptoms, and with wood betony and valerian for nerve weakness, tremors and convulsive disorders110.  Introduce for three months before attempting to wean off of anti-depressants111.  Well suited in protocols for chronic illnesses like AIDS Crohn’s, Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus112.

In bath, decoct (simmer) 2-3 handfuls of straw/tops in 2-3L water, strain and add to bath113.  Great for calming and soothing rashes and skin irritations114. Can work surprisingly well for intensely itching hives115.   Can be used in bath with breast massage do get blocked breastmilk flowing in engorgement or mastitis116.  Used in bath to normalize vulvar and pelvic floor area pains, a handful of oatmeal in one gallon (4L) of water for 30 minutes strained into a hip level bath.117.  Soaks can help soothe pain and any internal or external distress of the abdomino-pelvic region118.   Oat poultices can also be used for skin irritations119.

Native American tribes used wild and cultivated species’ seeds mostly for food (porridge, soup, flour), straw used for horse, goat ad sheep fodder120. Husks can be used to stuff bedding121.

Feminine plant spirit.  Earth element (money, prosperity, fertility, healing,employment).  Venus planetary influence (love, friendship, fidelity, beauty, youth). Used in prosperity and money magic.122


Can cause sensitivity in gluten intolerant (celiac) persons.  Some are also intolerant to avenin123.

“No contraindications, side effects, drug interactions, or pregnancy related safety issues have been identified. Generally considered safe when used appropriately124.”125

  1. https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/oat-straw.html
  2. https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/oat-straw.html
  3. https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/oat-straw.html
  4. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  5. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 17
  6. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  7. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 247
  8. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  9. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 197
  10. Duke, James.  The Green Pharmacy. St. Martin’s Paperbacks. New York, NY. 1997. p.322
  11. Culpeper, Nicholas.  Culpeper’s Complete Herbal. Gareth Powell Limited.  Hong Kong. 1979. p. 107
  12. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989.
  13. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 17
  14. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  15. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  16. Humphrey, Sheila.  The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p.194
  17. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 17
  18. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 164
  19. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 203
  20. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  21. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  22. Gladstar, Rosemary.  Lesson Eight-The Science and Art of Herbology.  Sage Mountain, VT p.36
  23. Gladstar, Rosemary.  Lesson Eight-The Science and Art of Herbology.  Sage Mountain, VT p.36
  24. Gladstar, Rosemary.  Lesson Eight-The Science and Art of Herbology.  Sage Mountain, VT p.36
  25. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  26. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  27. Culpeper, Nicholas.  Culpeper’s Complete Herbal. Gareth Powell Limited.  Hong Kong. 1979. p. 107
  28. Weed, Susan.  Herbal for the Childbearing Year. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1986.
  29. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989.
  30. De Bairacli Levy, Juliette.  Nature’s Children. Ashtree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1996.
  31. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  32. Humphrey, Sheila.  The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p.272-274
  33. De Bairacli Levy, Juliette.  Nature’s Children. Ashtree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1996. p.29
  34. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  35. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 278
  36. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 138
  37. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 247
  38. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  39. Gladstar, Rosemary.  Lesson One-The Science and Art of Herbology.  Sage Mountain, VT. pp 17-24.
  40. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  41. Humphrey, Sheila.  The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p.194
  42. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 17
  43. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 127
  44. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  45. Gladstar, Rosemary.  Lesson One-The Science and Art of Herbology.  Sage Mountain, VT. pp 17-24.
  46. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  47. Humphrey, Sheila.  The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p.194
  48. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 17
  49. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 247
  50. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  51. Gladstar, Rosemary.  Lesson One-The Science and Art of Herbology.  Sage Mountain, VT. pp 17-24.
  52. Humphrey, Sheila.  The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p.194
  53. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  54. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 149
  55. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlow and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  56. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 247
  57. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  58. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  59. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 111
  60. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  61. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 203
  62. Flint, Margi. Class notes. Earthsong Herbals Early Herbalists program.
  63. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  64. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  65. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlow and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  66. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  67. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 313
  68. Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p. 99
  69. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  70. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 127
  71. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 48
  72. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  73. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 195
  74. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 127
  75. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  76. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 149
  77. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  78. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  79. Flint, Margi. Early Herbalists Apprenticeship Class Notes.  Marblehead, MA. 2016. p. 95
  80. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 164, 237
  81. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  82. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  83. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  84. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  85. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 54
  86. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 82
  87. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 111
  88. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 131
  89. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  90. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 138
  91. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 278
  92. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 266
  93. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 285
  94. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 35
  95. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 131
  96. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 107
  97. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 202
  98. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 127
  99. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 296
  100. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 307
  101. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 95
  102. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 310
  103. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 203
  104. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 203
  105. Weed, Susan.  Herbal for the Childbearing Year. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1986. p. 31
  106. Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p.272-274
  107. De Bairacli Levy, Juliette.  Nature’s Children. Ashtree Publishing. Woodstock, NY. 1996. p.29
  108. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 200
  109. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 203
  110. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  111. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 229
  112. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 201
  113. Bartram, Thomas.  Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Marlowe and Co., NY. 1995.   p. 315
  114. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 197
  115. Duke, James.  The Green Pharmacy. St. Martin’s Paperbacks. New York, NY. 1997. p.322
  116. Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p.145
  117. Weed, Susan.  Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 2011. p. 98
  118. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 203
  119. Culpeper, Nicholas.  Culpeper’s Complete Herbal. Gareth Powell Limited.  Hong Kong. 1979. p. 107
  120. Moerman, Daniel. Native American Ethnobotany. Timber Press.  Portland,Oregon/London. 1988. p. 117
  121. Weed, Susan.  Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing.  Woodstock, NY. 1989. p. 197
  122. Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Publications. Woodbury, MN.  2006. P. 196.
  123. Flint, Margi. The Practicing Herbalist. EarthSong Press.  Marblehead, MA. 2013. p. 305
  124. Humphrey, Sheila. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal. Fairview Press. Minneapolis, MN. 2003. p.272-274
  125. Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Publications. Woodbury, MN.  2006. P. 196.