Dr Nicole's garden


Sambucus nigra/canadensis
Habitat: Native to most of Europe and North America, Elder is suitable for USDA Zones 5-7. Commonly found in woods, roadsides, and waste places, especially on disturbed base-rich and nitrogen-rich soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. Prefers moist soil.1. Elder is a herbaceous perennial2.
Parts Used:

Actions for Elder


Body Systems for Elder

Immune System

General Information for Elder

Lots of info to come.  For now, elderberry is added to herbal formulas for anti-viral effects and berry flavor. Elderflower is used for help with high fevers.



  1. https://pfaf.org/user/plant.aspx?latinname=Sambucus+nigra
  2. http://www.madaboutberries.com/elderberries.html