About Me

dr nicole meditationMy name is Dr. Nicole K. Andrade.  My medicine name is Khieron.  I am an Holistic Healer, a Shamanic Herbalist, a Ceremonialist and Mother. My great spirit comes in many forms.  All of my study and healing work is part of daily sacred ceremony and ministry.

I also maintain a designation of DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) in Massachusetts and CACCP  (Certification from the Academy of Family Practice and the Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics).  I am certified in many proven effective techniques including the Webster Technique for pregnancy.  anaya-2I participate in a practice based research network to prove the efficacy and safety of chiropractic care in pregnancy and pediatrics.

I owned and operated Atlantic Family Chiropractic, PC in Gloucester, MA for 13 years and was a co-founder of the Treetop Yoga Studio as the next step to helping make Gloucester a destination for integrative healing.  I currently offer chiropractic treatment at The Lydian Center for Innovative Healthcare in Cambridge, Massachusetts where I am developing my role in the teaching and researching of Axial Stability Method chiropractic technique through the Zebrin Foundation.  I offer my personal Ministry and Service out of my home in East Gloucester, MA.

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I have studied ethnobotanical and spiritual healing traditions for 13 years with churches and indigenous and traveling healers, in and of New England, New York, New Mexico, Missouri and of the Amazon regions of Peru, Brazil and Ecuador.  The International Herbal Symposium connected me with another incredible local plant medicine teacher and  I attended the Early Herbalists one year apprenticeship program with Margi Flint at Earthsong Herbals in Marblehead, MA in 2016-2017 and  continue Rosemary Gladstar’s Science and Art of Herbalism program.   I enjoy ongoing work on my personal materia medica and apothecary.
maloca kitchen


1) To first, do no harm

2) To restore the sacred to healing and living

3) To focus my energies on healing the Individual, the Family, the Community, the Society and ultimately the Planet

4) To move my healing work out of the strictures of commerce and into the expansiveness of spirit, where all things are possible

5) To continue holding a multi-faceted vision for creating reproducible, sustainable, and empowerment based natural healing models for communities and lands, while promoting the existing tradition, heritage, art, industry and natural resources of Cape Ann with a responsible destination eco-tourism teaching model

6)  To conscientiously navigate the local, state, federal and international legal, regulatory and societal  structures that are currently placing undue hardship on those wishing to responsibly practice natural living, natural healing and informed consent to medical treatments as basic human and civil rights and as a personal religious freedom.

7) To help myself and others move out of fear and into empowerment

8) To teach the current importance of carrying tradition, becoming involved in your food system, divesting from fossil fuel and plastics, protecting all water, and other important ways in which healing is deeply tied to the planet.

Right Relations

I believe that I have the right and the responsibility to partake in healthful living. This includes being in right relations with all life forms, my environment, and in honor of my ancestors and future generations. My thoughts and actions are collectively shaping the world I live in and the world that future generations will be living in.  I am in charge of these choices.  How shall I weave my dream of the future?

I believe strongly in the mind-body connection.  I do my best to treat everyone and everything in the way I would like to be treated, even if they communicate differently or  in a  way I can’t hear.  I understand that my personal reality may not be the only reality, therefore I always act from love and a positive regard for the greatest good I can see.  How am I treating myself? Am I loving to myself, to my temple that is my body, given to me by the Great Spirit, God or Goddess?  It is time to transform the patterns that separate me from my true self, from others and from the Great Spirit.  At this time in the world, this requires a commitment to resolving deeply conflicting programs and emotions within me and in the outer world.  If I want to change my life, I must change the choices I make in my life by walking and talking in a way that honors the sacred in all things.

While on this path to healing, there are many crossroads to navigate.  Currently, I am forced to make choices for the greater good of the work I do as a mother, partner, daughter, sister, friend,  neighbor, minister and healer.  These choices may not always be accepted by everyone but it is my promise that I will always navigate them with integrity, with utmost consideration to the deeper ethics that guide me, and with the all important intention of “first, do no harm”.

That being said, the planet is in a healing crisis and so are many of the life forms on the planet.  The “symptoms” that come along with healing are not within my control. Sometimes healing is in the form of amazing relief of pain and suffering. Sometimes, things get worse before they get better.  Sometimes, “symptoms” of healing are uncomfortable, particularly when they allow the up-welling of deep emotions long held back.  Often,  releasing these chemical, physical and emotional stresses from their seats in the mind, body and spirit can be very challenging.  I do my best with the skills I have to facilitate a healing experience in a way that feels safe. Though I aim to complement, and integrate, western medical treatment and diagnosis, many people choose to step out of this box altogether.  Some find that past western treatment  and diagnosis has not been helpful, worse harmful.   Some find that the choices they are being offered do not feel acceptable and they are seeking a more natural option. Some of my skills are conventional and licensed by the state and some are “unconventional” traditional medicine techniques not governed, nor supported, by current health care structures.  I offer what I feel the best options are, from my full knowledge, giving you an empowered choice in your care.  Anything less of an offering would be untrue to my faith.

The evidence personal and educated opinions that I share on my websites, and in any other format,  are not necessarily shared by any of my colleagues, business associates, employees, contractors, teachers, students, community members, ministry, members of my family or other associates.   They are mine, and mine alone, but freely adoptable by anyone who so chooses.  As of 3/22/14, the statements made on my websites, or by me in any form,  have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration or any like agency of the USA or any other country. I make every reasonable effort to stay abreast of and comply with reasonable Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), international, federal, state and local laws or previously set precedents, where applicable, so long as they do not place undue hardship on my religious and spiritual practices or that of those seeking my ministry teachings or services.  Information on my websites and the services offered therein may be deemed beneficial, but are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  If you believe that you may have a disease condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner, as you see fit,  before using any traditional healing practice or dietary supplement.  All information and ministry offerings are not intended to diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions, nor do they claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions by standard medical means. If you seek out any services through my websites, you acknowledge that you have done so with informed consent and that you hereby have knowingly chosen my personal ministry offerings.  I freely accept any and all gifts generously given to me in support of my ministerial responsibilities.  These gifts are not currently tax deductible.  I may be an affiliate for products  or services that I recommend.  This is another way to support my ministry. If you purchase those offerings through my links I will earn a taxable commission.

This true path is one of ease when I can let go.  I can’t guarantee I will always make decisions that will be comfortable, but you are welcome to join me on this journey.

Yours in Service,

Dr. Nicole “Khieron” Andrade